Wednesday 9 March 2011

EU Council (EPSCO): EU2020 and March European Council

How did the ministers for employment and social affairs in the EPSCO Council prepare the upcoming spring meeting of the European Council 24 to 25 March?

Here is a brief description of the subject matter (page 7):

The Council held a policy debate on issues relevant to the annual growth survey (AGS) and to the European Semester, namely the joint employment report (JER) and guidelines for the employment policies of the member states, and on items linked to the Europe 2020 strategy, i.e. the ”European platform against poverty and social exclusion” and the main messages of the report on the social dimension of the strategy. The results of this debate and the joint employment report are to be submitted to the European Council 24/25 March as part of EPSCO's Council contribution.

If you continue reading the conclusions of the EPSCO Council configuration, the summary of the debate on the introductory pages 7-8 starts with a few commonplaces, in:

3073rd Council meeting Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs: Employment and Social Policy; Brussels, 7 March 2011 (Council document 7360/11; 20 pages)

Later the issues are treated one by one, among them:

Joint Employment Report (JER) - conclusions
Guidelines for the employment policies of the member states
European platform against poverty and social exclusion – conclusions
Social dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy
Preparation of the tripartite Social Summit

Look for(ward to) separate posts.

Ralf Grahn

P.S. Regardless if you side with the copyright (intellectual property rights) owners or the business and citizen users, Christian Engström, Pirate MEP is a Euroblog worth following, in English and Swedish.

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